Annual Community Grants

Form questions

Organisation details

Organisation name:

Organisation address:

Organisation identification

Is your organisation a charity?:

Company or Registration Number:

Charity number:

Are you the lead contact for the organisation?:

Lead contact details

Lead contact name:

Position within organisation:

UK telephone number:

Email address:


Your project details

Project name:

Is the project taking place at the organisation address?:

Project address (if not at organisation address):

How would you categorise your project using the options below?

  • Young people
  • Health
  • Arts and culture
  • Homelessness/social inclusion
  • Older people
  • Fair trade
  • Environment
  • Active lifestyle
  • Disability
  • Education
  • Community safety
  • Vulnerable groups
  • Other


Project funding applied for:

Minimum project funding required:

Funding to be used for:

Period that funding will be used: (please note funding is paid in two parts usually in May and October)


Project cost

Total project cost:

Project cost breakdown:

Meeting council priorities


Council priorities that the project contributes towards:

Homes to be proud of:

  • build new social and affordable homes
  • high quality homes for all
  • support and prevent homelessness
  • plan for future homes in the right places

Enable an economy that delivers for everyone:

  • champion local businesses
  • support vibrant town centres
  • enable access to amenities in our neighbourhood centres
  • boost the economy in rural areas

Action on Climate Change:

  • renew our commitments to be a net zero Council by 2030
  • step up climate change adaptation and mitigation measures
  • lead by example and encourage others to make positive change
  • increase and promote biodiversity

Run an effective Council:

  • be accessible
  • be accountable and adopt a first time right approach
  • make financial decisions to deliver efficient and quality services
  • build our reputation locally and with partners

Together, create opportunities for our communities:

  • be proud of our environment and heritage
  • promote health and wellbeing through local leisure and cultural opportunities
  • celebrate our diverse cultures and communities
  • help us feel safer where we live


How the application for funding relates to council priorities:

Project need

How have you have identified the need for the project/service within your group or the community?

How will the project meet this need?

Project outcomes

What outcomes for the community would be achieved through this project?

How would the outcomes be measured?

Project risk

What are the main risks for the success of the project/service and how will these risks be managed?

Project impact

How many Welwyn Hatfield residents will this project/service impact?

Project cost

What are all of the project costs?

Additional project funding

How would any shortfalls be funded?

Would the project continue if the full amount of funding applied for isn't awarded?



Are you applying for alternative funding? This includes other grant funding from us (Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council).



Project sustainability

Funding is only agreed for one year and is normally paid in two parts.

The second payment is subject to a six month review following receipt of a completed monitoring form.

How will the project be sustained after the one year period?

Payment details

Please provide the bank account details we should use if the grant application is successful.

Bank name

Name of the organisation as it appears on the bank statement

Sort code

Account number



To consider your application, we need a copy of the following of your organisation's documents:

•  Annual accounts which have been audited or independently reviewed and signed (if your organisation has gross income over £25,000)
•  Last 3 months’ bank statements
•  Any additional information required related to the project budget
•  Constitution or memorandum of articles
•  Equality and Diversity statement/policy (unless exempt)
•  Safeguarding policy/statement


Diversity Monitoring

What are the ages of your users/members?

  • Under 10
  • 11-21
  • 22-59
  • 60 and over

What is the ethnic diversity of your users/members?

  • White
  • Asian/British Asian
  • Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups
  • Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
  • Other Ethnic Group

Where do the majority of your users/members live?

  • Welwyn Garden City
  • Hatfield
  • Northern villages
  • Southern villages
  • Outside of Welwyn Hatfield