Local Plan Examination
Our Local Plan was submitted for examination on 15 May 2017. Melvyn Middleton BA(Econ) DipTP DipMgmt MRTPI has been appointed by the Secretary of State to carry out an independent examination of our Local Plan (2013-2032).
The Inspector will consider the soundness of our submitted plan, based on the criteria set out in paragraph 182 of the (2012) National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework).
Our plan should be:
- Positively prepared: it should be based on a strategy that looks at meeting objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements. This includes; where reasonable to do so; those unmet by our neighbours. It should also be consistent with achieving sustainable development
- Justified: it should be the most appropriate strategy, when considered against reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence
- Effective: it should be deliverable and based on effective joint working with partners and neighbours; and
- Consistent with national policy: it should enable the delivery of sustainable development set out by national policy.
The Planning Inspectorate has a short guide to Local Plan Examinations.