Marshmoor Supplementary Planning Document consultation
Marshmoor (also called Hatfield Innovation Campus by the landowner) is a large strategic site in Welham Green, east of the village and railway line and west of the A1000. It was allocated for employment-led development under Policy SP23 of the Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Local Plan 2016 - 2036. The Draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has been prepared by the landowner, in collaboration with officers from Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council and Hertfordshire County Council, to ensure the site is planned comprehensively to maximise benefit to the area.
This consultation is about the future development of the Marshmoor area in Welham Green, guided by the SPD providing further detail on the policy in our Local Plan. It proposes the creation of a new innovation and technology campus in Welham Green. This includes up to 40,500 square meters of employment space and 100 residential units for skilled workers. The development aims to integrate a rich, biodiverse landscape, promote sustainable travel options, and ensure high-quality design that complements the local community and environment.
The SPD is now being consulted on with the local community and others from Monday 10 February to Friday 21 March 2024 at 5.00pm, and it is important that local residents, businesses and others put forward their views. The SPD, along with a questionnaire, is available below.
Drop in exhibtion
To help explain the contents of the SPD and how the site might develop, the landowner has arranged a “drop in” exhibition.
This will be held at the Welham Green Community Centre on Station Road in Welham Green on Tuesday 25 February between 3 and 7pm.
Representatives of the landowner will be available to answer any questions which you may have.
View the SPD
Supplementary planning document - low resolution version
Supplementary planning document - accessible version
Take part in the consultation
To take part in the consultation please read the SPD document and complete the online survey using the link below before 5pm on Friday 21 March.