Hollybush North

A consultation for parking in Hollybush North began in February 2023.

The area will only cover the northern section of the Ward including:

  • Chequers
  • Homestead Lane
  • Hunters Way

We will by default consider double yellow lines on junctions to improve junction vision underpinning the Highway Code, as well as verge and footway prohibition to improve the streetscene and access for pedestrians.

As we received a low response rate from properties, we sent a reminder letter in June 2023 inviting those who didnt reply to take part.

Feedback stage

We carried out a parking consultation survey in March 2023 resulting in a low response rate. We sent out a reminder letter encouraging residents to have their say which improved the response rate. The survey overall had 281 responses from a total of 998 properties (28%). We have a policy to progress to this feedback stage when it has passed 25% response rate. The data provided to us highlighted roads where residents expressed a level of concern relating to parking issues including footway and verge parking.


A Public Notice was advertised on Wednesday 24 July 2024, with objections open until Friday 16 August 2024 which set out details of formal proposals.


All comments and objections have been considered and presented along with Parking Officer report to Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel (CPPP), details of which can be viewed at: 19 November 2024 Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel meeting.

Next steps 

As the decision was unanimous, we will look to procure quotes for signs and lines installation in early 2025. Once that step has been completed, a date can be set for the start of restrictions, and we will send out a further letter advising of the start date. A further update will also be displayed on this webpage.