Housing Delivery Test Action Plan

The Housing Delivery Test (HDT) measures the number of homes delivered in a local authority area over the previous three years against the housing requirement for the same period. Local Planning Authorities are required to prepare an action plan where housing delivery has fallen below 95% of the requirement. The Action Plan aims to highlight reasons for past under-delivery, as well as setting out ways to reduce the risk of further under-delivery in future years through setting out a number of actions.

The 2022 Housing Delivery Test Measurement was published on 19 December 2023. However, the published result was calculated against the housing requirement using the standard methodology. As Welwyn Hatfield adopted its Local Plan on 12 October 2023, the housing requirement can now be calculated against the adopted housing requirement.  In line with guidance set out in the Housing Delivery Test Measurement Rulebook, the Council wrote to the Department for Levelling Up Housing & Communities requesting a recalculation of the 2022 Housing Delivery Test Measurement. The response received confirms that the Council delivered 65% of its housing requirement for the period 1 April 2019 – 31 March 2022.

Housing Delivery Test 2022 Confirmation of Recalculation

The Council’s latest Housing delivery Test Action Plan relates to the HDT results published in December 2023.