Privately owned trees

Check if you need consent to work on a tree

Trees that are protected

Some trees are protected if they are in Conservation Area, covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), planning condition or in the Welwyn Garden City Estate Management Scheme.

Check if a tree is covered by a TPO, Conservation Area, or Estate Managment Area on our map

Check if a tree is covered by a planning condition on our planning portal

Even if a tree is not covered by a TPO you may still need a felling licence from the Forestry Commission.

If a tree on your land is protected you will need to get our consent in writing before you can start any work to it. You will be asked to give five days written notice of the works.

Anyone who carries out work without consent and is found guilty may face an unlimited fine. 

Work to a tree includes:

  • cutting down
  • uprooting
  • topping
  • lopping
  • severing roots
  • wilful damage or destruction.

You do not need permission if the tree is:

  • dead
  • dying
  • or dangerous

But you will need to be able to prove this is the case. We strongly advise you contact us before you or any other person or company undertake any works.