Estate Management Consent will only be granted for energy efficiency measures and other roof alterations where they are sited on the rear or side roof slope and are sited to minimise the effect on the external appearance of the building.
Estate Management Consent will only be granted if the proposed alteration, when viewed from any surrounding public vantage point does not have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the streetscene and the wider amenities and values of the area.
Exceptions to this Policy approach will apply where, in the judgement of the case officer the architectural design and style of an individual property or the wider character of the area means that an alteration on a principal roof slope of a property would not have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the streetscene and wider amenities and values of the area.
In all cases the decision maker will continue to weigh the environmental benefits of energy efficiency measures against the visual impact.
That the above approach applies to the installation of Solar PV, Thermal equipment, wind turbines, flues, new chimneys, dormer windows, roof lights, sunpipes, aerials and antenna and any other alterations to the roof of a property covered by the Estate Management Scheme.