
Report fly-tipping

Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of items.

It can be as small as a single bag, to an entire truck load of rubbish.

Please note we are not responsible for clearing waste fly-tipped on private land or property.

To report fly-tipping, you will need to give us:

  • a description of the rubbish/items
  • the location of the rubbish/items
  • any images or documents*

*These are not required but will help us identify the fly-tip.

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What happens next

You will receive an acknowledgement email confirming your reference number.

The details will be reviewed by our Environment Team. If the fly-tipped items are on public land, the details will be passed to our contractor for clearance. We may also pass it on to our Enforcement team for further investigation.

If the fly-tipped items are on private land or property, we will not be able to arrange clearance.

Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice

If you've been issues with a Fixed Penalty Notice find out more about this and how to pay.

Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice