Support services for older and vulnerable tenants or residents
In this section
Assistance with gardening (council tenants)
If you are a council tenant who is unable to maintain your garden we can help you with this.
Apply for assistance with gardening
Contact your Neighbourhood Officer to apply for gardening assistance or find out more about this.
What help is available
Grass cutting
- your grass will be cut once a month between March to October
- when the grass is cut in March, the contractor will deliver a card with planned cutting dates for the rest of the year
- front and back gardens will be cut with a mower
- obstacles will be strimmed around
- footpaths will be blown clear of any cuttings
- the grass cuttings are not collected.
If your grass is not cut on the dates given or access was not available:
- a card will be left to say that an attempt had been made to cut the grass
- they will return the following Friday
- if a card has not been left but you are sure your grass has been missed contact us on 01707 357 000 within five working days.
Hedge cutting
- hedges will be cut twice per year (in June/July and September/October)
- hedges in both the front and back gardens will be cut
- the cut is on both sides and top
- if it is a party hedge we will just cut your side and the top
- If the hedge adjoins a council owned open space, both sides will be cut
- growth will be removed to the point of the previous cut
- if the hedge requires more cutting you will be expected to take responsibility for organising this.