Peartree (all roads except Broadwater Crescent)

We have restarted a consultation for parking in Peartree (the area excluding the A01 permit area). It covers all roads in Peartree ward except for the Broadwater Crescent permit area.

If you live in this area you would have received a letter in March 2024.


Feedback stage

We carried out a parking consultation survey in March 2023 that had a low response rate.  In the feedback provided residents on some roads expressed concerns relating to parking issues including footway and verge parking. 

The consultation is now at a feedback stage. This means we have set out our initial ideas for future parking restrictions in your area and would like your feedback on this. Please note no decisions have been made yet.

This is your opportunity to let us know what you think about the proposed parking restrictions. We strongly encourage you to take part in the consultation and send us your comments before the deadline so we can take them into account.

More details about the proposed changes are listed below.

The consultation closes on Sunday 7 April.

Double Yellow Lines 

Double yellow lines will be considered for introduction at the majority of junctions, or in areas where this may be required due to safety or access issues such as garage forecourts. These apply equally to all drivers. 

Verge and Footway Prohibition Order (VFPO)

We also suggest prohibiting parking on public verges and footways throughout the Peartree area, where the carriageway is more than 4.5m wide. A VFPO also covers vehicle crossovers which form part of the public highway and where it is not owned by a property. It is a parking restriction giving enforcement officers powers to issue fines rather than a physical measure such as bollards.

Permit Zones

We are suggesting resident permit schemes will operate Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm in two zones:

  • one zone covers the section of Peartree Lane around Ludwick Way including Ravenfield Road and the spur of Peartree Lane
  • the other zone covers the southeast section of Peartree Lane from Bedwell Close junction to Holwell Road including Pondcroft, The Spinney and Well Garth

The suggested times for these zones are are different from the existing permit zone A01 (Monday to Friday 10am to 12noon) covering Broadwater Crescent and Moatwood Green, meaning an expanded zone would not be possible unless times were identical. 

All other roads within the Peartree consultation area did not respond in sufficient numbers to give us a mandate to propose any further action aside from the yellow lines on junctions and verge and footway prohibition.


Next steps 

Once this round of the consultation has ended all responses will be considered and a formal proposal will be drafted based on the feedback received.

This proposal will then be formally advertised.

We will send a further letter later in late Summer 2024 to notify residents when the 21 day formal objection stage opens.

A further update will be published on this webpage.

Take part in the consultation

Click on the link to the online survey take part in the consultation. The survey closes on Sunday 7 April.

Send us your comments