Validation Checklist - List 1

Biodiversity Survey/Report

3e Biodiversity Survey/Report

May be required where your proposed development is part of, or located next to, a site designated for its biodiversity value, where it supports other locally significant habitat interest or may affect protected species or the potential for them. For sites where protected species are known to exist, you will need to accompany your planning application with a biodiversity survey and report. For other sites, where protected species are believed to be present and would be affected by the development, a phase 1 survey is recommended is undertaken which should be submitted with the application.

A biodiversity survey and report (Phase 1 Habit Survey) should include the following information:
• details about the existing biodiversity interests and protected species found on the development site (including any possible impacts that the new development may have on them)
• details of any proposed measures to prevent mitigate or compensate for the possible impacts of the proposed development.

Where necessary, an appropriate ecological survey (e.g. walkover, Phase 1 Habitat Survey, National Vegetation Classification or protected species) should include details of any statutory or non-statutory sites, other existing biodiversity interests and protected species or potential for them found on the development site. These will include any significant wildlife habitats or features and any species or potential for them protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended by 2012 (Regulations) or the Protection of Badgers Act 1992.

Details of any proposed measures necessary to prevent, mitigate or compensate for the possible impacts of the proposed development on both habitats and species will also be required. These may need to include details for long term maintenance and management.

This applies to those types of development requiring an EIA and an Environmental Statement as well as to those where any locally valuable habitats or protected species is involved.

Without appropriate surveys, when required, the application may be refused planning permission for insufficient information.

Policy Driver and where to get more advice: Policies SP9, SP10, SP11 and SADM 16 of the Draft Local Plan Proposed Submission, August 2016. National Planning Policy Framework, Section 11.

It is advisable for applicants to seek advice on the scope of the assessment from the local Natural England office (Natural England Cambridge, Eastbrook, Shaftesbury Road Cambridge CB2 8DR; Tel 0300 060 3787; email:

Further advice may be found in: Planning Practice Guidance.

Further guidance and the Protected Species Trigger List may be found in Association of Local Government Ecologists (ALGE) document on Validation of Planning Applications – Template for Biodiversity and Geological Conservation; and Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 2010:2006. Planning to halt the loss of biodiversity. Biodiversity Conservation standards for planning in the UK. Code of Practice. British Standards Institute.