Validation Checklist - List 1

Shop Fronts or ATMs

2k. Shop Fronts or ATMs

Required for shop fronts.

Plans, elevations and sections
• Section of security grilles or shutters, if proposed, indicating the location of the shutter box and canopy
• If the proposal affects the access to the upper floors in any way, ground floor plans showing separate access to upper floors
• For proposals including the installation of ATM’s, details of height (for disabled access) and details of any illuminated adverts

Plans should be proportionate to the nature and size of the proposal, correctly titled, with individual drawing numbers on each plan, show paper size and annotated with either dimensions or with a scale bar (horizontally and vertically) and not having ‘Do Not Scale’ or equivalent.

If advertisements are shown on the plans, these may require a combined planning permission and advertisement consent application.

Policy Driver and where to get more advice:
Policies D1 and D2 of the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan 2005. Policies SP 9, SP 10, SADM 11 and SADM 12 of the Draft Local Plan Proposed Submission, August 2016. National Planning Policy Framework, Section 7.