Moving home (council housing)

Transferring to another council home

Applying for a transfer

Applying for a transfer is the same for existing council tenants as it is for new home seekers (people not currently living in a council or housing association home).

  1. We advertise homes to people our waiting list through our choice based lettings scheme.
  2. You fill out a short pre-assessment questionnaire.
  3. We give you information about your most suitable housing options. 
  4. If you are eligible you will fill out a Housing Needs Register application. 
  5. We prioritse your application based on housing need.

For more about how applications are prioritised, visit the appy for council housing section of our website.

Inspection of and repairs to your current house

When you given notice to end your existing tenancy, we arrange a pre-termination inspection.

This inspection will check for:

We will give the opportunity to correct this before you move out.

If you do not correct this, or the work is not satisfactory we may charge for the work. You can check the costs for housing repairs.

If you leave your home in an unacceptable condition, we may charge you for the cost of clearing the property.