Re-use of public sector information policy

Requesting Re-use of information

All requests for re-use will be handled in a way that complies with the FOIA for datasets and the PSI Regulations for other information by requiring the applicant to:

  • Make a clear written request for re-use either via letter or by email to:
  • Provide their name and postal address;
  • Explain the information that the request to re-use applies to;
  • Explain how and why the information would be re-used;

WHBC will process all requests for re-use:

  • Within 20 working days from the day after receipt of the request to re-use;
  • Advise in writing the reason for refusing a request for re-use and if the reason for refusal is due to WHBC not owning the copyright by Version 1 – November 2018 providing details of the copyright owner or if not known details of who originally supplied the information;
  • Give permission to re-use if possible along with conditions for re-use
  • Provide a copy of the information if the customer does not already have one. In this instance WHBC may make a charge if the Council usually charges to provide the information.
  • Provide details of the Council’s information complaint process.