Public lists and registers
We keep public lists and registers, which you can view.
Some you can view online by using the links below.
Other lists and registers we keep
We also keep other registers which you can contact us to request to view (we will need at least one full working day's notice):
- Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers
- Permitted Processes (formerly prescribed processes under part 1 Environmental Protection Act
- Radioactive Substances
- Food Business Establishments
- Small Society Lotteries
- Public register of hackney carriage drivers
- Land charges statutory registers
- Enforcement and Stop Notice Register
- Register of Applications which affect Trees in Conservation Areas
- Register of Advertisement Applications and Decisions
- Register of Applications and Consents relating to the storage of Hazardous Substances
- Listed building and Conservation Area Consent Applications and Decisions
- Conservation areas
- Planning determinations
- Discharge of Planning Conditions
- Minor Amendments to Planning Permissions
- Telecommunications Developments
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Revocation Orders