Domestic abuse policy

Action Against Perpetrators

8.1 WHBC will take firm action against anyone perpetrating domestic abuse which may include civil action such as an injunction or possession proceedings.

8.2 Where the perpetrator is a tenant of WHBC, this is a clear breach of their tenancy in addition to the criminal aspect. We will make use of appropriate tools and powers to sanction and support perpetrators, including the use of injunctions, Notice of Seeking Possession and repossession.

8.3 Where the perpetrator is not a WHBC tenant, another agency or service may be best placed to take action such as the police or even the victim themselves.

8.4 We acknowledge that perpetrators may have their own vulnerabilities and will assess the support needs of the perpetrator at the earliest stage. When considering any form of legal action we will endeavour to undertake a proportionality assessment to ensure action is necessary and proportionate and that we have considered the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equalities Act 2010.

8.5 Where support needs are identified we will work with the perpetrator where appropriate or signpost to perpetrator programmes or other agencies in an effort to break the cycle of abuse.