Street naming and numbering policy

Renaming a street/renumbering properties

10.1 Renaming an existing street or re-numbering properties within an existing street is avoided unless the benefits clearly outweigh the obvious disadvantages.

10.2 On rare occasions this may become necessary but it is usually only carried out as a last resort when:

  • there is confusion over a street’s name and/or property numbering
  • the residents are unhappy with their street name
  • the number of named-only properties in a street is deemed to be causing confusion for emergency services, visitors or deliveries.

10.3 In such instances it is the responsibility of those requesting a change to canvass existing residents and conduct a ballot of the local residents on the issue. This will ensure that residents’ views are taken into account and the results must be submitted to the Council. In addition they must consult Royal Mail for their position on the issue. To change a street name will require 70% support from the local residents on the issue as any subsequent change can be very disruptive and cause individuals to have to change all their personal address details. The consultation process referred to in this document will be implemented before any agreement is given. This is a very time consuming process and can be very emotive for those involved and should therefore only be contemplated as a last resort.