Street naming and numbering policy

Procedure for new developments and commercial units

8.1 The property developer should not give any addresses, including postcode, to potential occupiers, either directly or indirectly (for example via solicitors or estate agents) before the Council has issued formal approval. The Council will not be liable for any costs or damages caused by failure to comply with this.

8.2 Applicants are encouraged to contact the Council prior to a formal application in order to get advice on our naming policy and the positioning of nameplates.

8.3 The applicant or developer will be asked to suggest names for any new street(s). See Section 3.2 Naming Streets and Numbering Properties

8.4 The developer will be responsible for the cost and installation of street nameplates. The Council will cover maintenance costs once the street has been officially adopted. Street nameplates must meet the specification as set out at Appendix E

8.5 Numbering of the new street(s) will be carried out following the guidelines within this policy. All properties on newly named streets will be allocated numbers. All new properties on existing streets will be numbered unless the existing properties on that street all have official building names and no numbers, or in the exceptional circumstances outlined under section 7 “Guidelines for numbering properties”. When numbering is complete the Council will contact all the bodies listed in Appendix D.