Complaints policy and procedure

Dealing with abusive and threatening behaviour

15.1. Our officers accept that people under stress or who are feeling angry or upset may react in an abusive or aggressive way to the person with whom they are dealing. However, a balance must be drawn between the ability and desire to assist a complainant and what can reasonably be achieved in the circumstances.

15.2. We understand that people may act out of character in times of trouble or distress. There may have been upsetting or distressing circumstances leading up to a complaint. As a council we do not view behaviour as unacceptable just because a claimant is forceful or determined, however the actions of complainants who are angry, abusive or threatening, may result in action against an individual where they demonstrate unacceptable behaviour towards the council's staff.

15.3. For more information on how the council manages abusive and threatening behaviour, please refer to the councils Staff Protection Policy 2018 for more information.