Licensing policy

Large events and events attended by over 5,000 persons

26.1 Organisers of large events are strongly advised to contact the Council’s Licensing Team for advice at the earliest opportunity when planning events. Where necessary, the advice of the ‘Safety Advisory Group’ can be obtained, or discussions held with the Police and Environmental Health to avoid any unnecessary objections being made that may arise from misunderstandings or confusion as to what is being proposed.

26.2 Whilst a premises licence could be granted after 28 days of the application being served, applicants should be aware that the processing time for an application that has received relevant representations can be up to 2 months. Organisers should also have early discussions with responsible authorities such as the Police, Environmental Health and Fire Protection

26.3 Organisers of festivals or concerts who require a temporary time limited premises licence are strongly advised to contact the Licensing Authority and Environmental Health at least 6 months prior the event taking place.