Licensing policy

Live Music Act

27.1 The Live Music Act came into force on 1st October 2012 and is designed to encourage more performances of ‘live’ music. The Act removes the licensing requirements for:

  • amplified ‘live’ music between 8am and 11pm before audiences of no more than 200 people on premises authorised to sell alcohol for consumption on the premises
  • amplified ‘live’ music between 8am and 11pm before audiences of no more than 200 people in workplaces not otherwise licensed under the 2003 Act (or licensed only for the provision of late night refreshment)
  • unamplified ‘live’ music between 8am and 11pm in all venues
  • the provision of entertainment facilities

27.2 Where licensable activities continue to take place on premises any licence conditions relating to ‘live’ music will be suspended, but it will be possible to impose new, or reinstate existing conditions following a review.

27.3 We will consider whether an activity constitutes ‘the provision of regulated entertainment’ in each case and consider each case on its own merits. We would encourage organisers to check with us as to whether we consider a performance is live music before making arrangements.

27.4 Provision of facilities for making music and dancing - The Act removes the need to licence entertainment facilities such as dance floors microphone stands and pianos etc. that are made available for use by the public