Decant policy

Support for residents

15.1 The Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010) means WHBC has to consider all individuals when carrying out their day-to-day work – in shaping policy and in delivering services.

15.2 It also requires that public bodies have due regard to the need to:

• Eliminate discrimination.
• Advance equality of opportunity.
• Foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities.

15.3 Where it is necessary to decant a resident, we will consider the needs of each individual and household – having particular regard to their protected characteristics – and where required, a Support Plan will be agreed for the decant process. This will include details of any additional assistance that WHBC has agreed to provide

15.4 Offers of additional assistance (by way of example) may include a packing/unpacking service and other practical assistance such as contacting utility companies, temporary rehoming of pets, redirecting post, procurement of carpets and curtains on behalf of the tenant, a handyman service – to help with removal and fitting of shelves, curtain poles and other furniture; adaptations that are required to help improve mobility for disabled residents.

15.5 If a disabled or vulnerable tenant is unable to move to temporary decant accommodation because we have been unable to find accommodation that meets their ability or other needs, we will work with the tenant to assist them to vacate the rooms we need to work in while they remain in the property.

15.6 Where tenants with high care needs outside of what WHBC can provide and who require supported accommodation have to be decanted, the housing team will liaise with the commissioning body and the support provider to identify suitable alternative accommodation.