Decant policy

Decision to Decant

4.1 In deciding whether a decant is necessary we will consider the household composition, needs and preferences; the likely time periods involved; the suitability of alternative accommodation; the level of disruption and the relative cost of carrying out works with the household in situ to the cost of decanting.

4.2 We will involve and consult residents from the outset – providing as much notice as possible, but for our tenants, it is ultimately WHBCs’ decision as to whether a tenant can remain in a property.

4.3 If a tenant refuses to move we will take appropriate legal action to obtain vacant possession. We will ensure that the tenant has received an offer of suitable alternative accommodation.

4.4 Where a property is owned by WHBC but managed by an agent or, managed by WHBC on behalf of another property owner, or the property is leased; the responsibility for decants will be managed in accordance with the management agreement or the terms of the lease. If the agreement or lease does not explicitly mention decant processes, the property owner and the managing agent/leaseholder (as applicable), will need to agree who will cover the costs of the ‘decant’ prior to any works being undertaken.